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Non-traditional Fundraising Avenues



This session focuses on exploring the different fundraising options available to you, including the less traditional method of crowd-sourced funding and an online platform that helps you find and apply for grants. The session will start with an introduction to non-traditional fundraising platforms and transition to a panel discussion. Our goal is to familiarize you with alternative methods for funding your research and finding grants and improve your success at securing those much needed funds.




Caitlin Kroeger

Caitlin is a PhD student in the Ocean Sciences at UC Santa Cruz and crowdfunded part of her graduate research through Experiment




Dr. Yiwei Wang

Dr. Wang is currently the director of the San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory (SFBBO), crowdfunded part of her graduate research using Kickstarter, and is a co-author of the paper Raising money for scientific research through crowdfunding in Trends in Ecology and Evolution.


Angela Braren

Angela is a co-founder of Instrumentl, a platform that helps researchers find grants.  


Katharine Corriveau

Katharine is also a co-founder of Intrumentl. 


Rachel Holser

Rachel is a PhD student in Ecology and Evolution at UC Santa Cruz and recently successfully crowdfunded a research project through Experiment.



Preparation for this Breakout Session


Participants are encouraged to take notes. No additional preparation for this session is necessary. 




Resource packet here





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