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Erin Meyer, California Ocean Science Trust

Erin has over ten years of experience in conservation, working on complex projects with many stakeholders and partners. She has a diverse background that encompasses many different aspects of conservation, including fisheries and ecological research, environmental education and outreach, habitat restoration, and engagement in policy at the state, local, and community levels. She earned her PhD from UC Berkeley, studying the intricacies of fisheries science and marine ecology, while also improving how science is taught to undergraduates.


In 2012, Erin joined California Ocean Science Trust, a non-profit boundary organization that brings together state managers, scientists, and community members to build trust and understanding of coastal and ocean science. Erin develops and implements innovative monitoring strategies for California's statewide Marine Protected Area network, and translates science to inform management and policy decisions. As in integral part of thiswork, she builds partnerships and cultivates trust with a diverse group of researchers, resource users, tribes, state and federal agencies, and members of the public to include their perspectives in decision making for the California coast. 



More about Erin and Ocean Science Trust

Recorded keynote talk can be found at MARINE'S YouTube Page


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