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Interactive talks allow you to engage the audience with props or short exercises. We encourage participants to get creative with communicating the main message. 

THREE-MINUTE MESSAGE (3 minute pitch)

Convince the audience why they should care about your work! Include key ideas to describe the main outcomes of your work and why it matters. Avoid overgeneralizing, and slides (if used) should enhance your message.

“Ocean STEAM Fair”

For this year's Colloquium, we thought we'd encourage a modern take on a blast from the past "science fair!" We want to encourage visual, artistic representations of equipment, computer software or websites; presentation of educational modules or curriculum activities relating to oceans research; or other interactive and innovative demonstrations. Think tri-fold poster boards, dioramas, models, photographs, and maybe even a coat-hanger mobile.

TED-STYLE TALKS (15 minutes)

TED-Style talks explain an interesting topic to the audience through speech, pictures, and media. Text and other standard PowerPoint conventions are kept to a minimum.

Abstract submission is closed. Recorded talks from previous years can be found at MARINE'S YouTube Page.


For more details on how to structure your presentation see webinars. 


© 2016 by Oceans Colloquium. Created with

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